Tantra Sexuality: Soul and Body • (1)
Tantra according to ancient Indian doctrines is the art that teaches us to get from making love not only bodily but spiritual pleasure. Thanks to tantra, you will know your partner much better and understand what he prefers more.
For soul and body which will become one, it is recommended to choose a daytime. You have [...]
Narcissism – Such Unfamiliar… Self-love • Comments Off
In a wider sense, narcissism is any form of self-love. The persons with narcissism constantly feel the need of the praise and want to be the centre of attention.
Narcissism is a state when the sexual satisfaction is achieved by the contemplation of your own naked body or its bare parts. Narcissism is often shown in [...]
Hepatitis C, or Gentle Killer • (2)
Among the virus hepatitis, the most insidious and dangerous – hepatitis C. At one time scientists had known about hepatitis C just that it “neither A nor B”.
Today doctors call it “gentle killer” because the virus may not to show for years. So when the patient appeals to someone for aid – it’s usually are [...]
Albinoses – who are they? • Comments Off
Albinos is a man who has perfectly white skin and hair all over the body. People, whose skin is light and the eyes are red, are average 1% from all inhabitants of the Earth.
Albinism is not dangerous and it does not interfere with a person to live normally. But the eyesight may get bad later. [...]
How to Avoid Weight Gain During the Holiday Seasons • Comments Off
The seasonal holidays (like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc) are often seen as a great excuse for families and friends to get together for a bit of guilt free indulgence. Unfortunately, for people who are trying to lose weight they can represent a minefield of temptation, one which often sees many weaker willed dieters undoing [...]