Capital of Spain – one of the most beautiful cities in the world • (1)
Spain is a very beautiful country. It’s also popular holiday destination for people from around the world. There are so many places to visit and so many things to enjoy. The capital city of Spain that’s Madrid.
Madrid is the largest city of Spain. It’s located almost at the centre of Spain. The three main places [...]
Has There Ever Been Life On Mars? • Comments Off
Mars is one of the most explored planets in the solar system. People have started investigating this planet since the beginning of use the telescope. With its aid the astronomers could see what appeared to be season changes and water canals. Thus, ancient people believed that there was probably life on Mars.
On the Mars there’s [...]
Anosmia – When The Nose Feels Nothing • Comments Off
There’re many people who suffer from disorder of sense of smell. It makes life very complicated. Perfume of the wife… the aroma of tea… the taste of your favorite cake… All this suddenly disappears. And Kevin S. has been ill just a cold.
Anyone knows: if you can’t discern smells and tastes during a cold, everything’s [...]
Cynicism – When know the price of everything • Comments Off
There are many people who perceive word “cynic” like a compliment. Cynicism became an integral part of our life quiet recently.
Let’s take, for example, such “institute” as a family and marriage. The cynic marries because it’s very convenient, with understanding of that “I’ll have to do it one day…”. Wife for him is an undeniable [...]
Is it Possible to Be Happy? • Comments Off
The Secret of Happiness
Many people think that being smart, rich and attractive is the best way to find happiness. But according to a report in New Scientist magazine, these things aren’t as important as we think. So, is it really possible to be happy?
A group of scientists reviewed hundreds of research studies from around the [...] -
Tantra Sexuality: Soul and Body • (1)
Tantra according to ancient Indian doctrines is the art that teaches us to get from making love not only bodily but spiritual pleasure. Thanks to tantra, you will know your partner much better and understand what he prefers more.
For soul and body which will become one, it is recommended to choose a daytime. You have [...]
Narcissism – Such Unfamiliar… Self-love • Comments Off
In a wider sense, narcissism is any form of self-love. The persons with narcissism constantly feel the need of the praise and want to be the centre of attention.
Narcissism is a state when the sexual satisfaction is achieved by the contemplation of your own naked body or its bare parts. Narcissism is often shown in [...]
How To Make Money Online To Fund The Purchase Of A New Car • Comments Off
You may be wondering about how you can make some one to help you buy a new car if you want to buy one.
If you are wondering where you can make extra money then your best bet would be to look online. It is possible to start making money straight away provided you have a [...]