Charlie Sheen – The Real American • Comments Off
Charlie Sheen is well known thanks to the numerous roles in movies and also his unruly character. He has a little damaged reputation in a society: the actor had many problems because of drugs. Charlie often drinks and he isn’t the exemplary husband.
Charlie Sheen is the real American. Most of his characters are inconspicuous people. [...]
Oxycontin (Oxycodone) – Pain Reliever • Comments Off
About 6% of the inhabitants of the USA are dependent on anesthetizing preparations. One of such preparations is “Oxycontin”. It is used for the treatment of a heavy chronic pain (like a pain at a cancer). This is narcotic. If you increase a dose – oxycontin will exercise so influence on you as heroin.
“Oxycontin” is [...]
Demi Moore • (1)
Demi Moore was born in Rosvelle, New Mexico. Her stepfather constantly was changing the job that’s why the family often was moving from place to place. Till her coming of age 14 they had replaced about 30 cities. Because of such way of life Demi couldn’t strike up an acquaintance with somebody so she was [...]
Hepatitis C, or Gentle Killer • (2)
Among the virus hepatitis, the most insidious and dangerous – hepatitis C. At one time scientists had known about hepatitis C just that it “neither A nor B”.
Today doctors call it “gentle killer” because the virus may not to show for years. So when the patient appeals to someone for aid – it’s usually are [...]